domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014

Formulas of Excel
What are the formulas in Excel?
An Excel formula is a special code we put into a cell. This code performs some calculations and returns a result that is displayed in the cell.
Each person can create their own formula that best suits your needs
Steps for create a formula:
1) You have to start with (=)
Símbolo igual en las fórmulas de Excel
2) You have to press enter to solve the operation
Cálculo de una función de Excel
note: never forget to put (=)
Ecuación en Excel sin símbolo igual
Parts of an Excel formula:
1)Constants or text
Constantes y texto en fórmulas de Excel
2)Cell references
Referencias de celda en fórmulas de Excel
Operadores en fórmulas de Excel
4)Excel Functions
Funciones de Excel como parte de una fórmula
Excel Graphics
Column Charts
Line Charts 
Pie charts 
Bar Charts 
Graphics area 
Graphics xy (scatter) 
Stock Charts
 Surface Charts
 Doughnut Charts